The Solution to Prevent Wedding Planning Exhaustion
Packages, packages, packages. When “choices” become the problem.
After the euphoria of a big engagement decision, the next steps would be the wedding planning and shopping. For most couples, this would typically start at scouring the market for the wedding packages offered.
Realising that most are bundled together with wedding gowns, services, and plenty freebies, this become the focal point for comparing which vendor you would like to hire. Be it online, in person, through recommendations, or all of the above, you suddenly have too many information on your lap. What wedding albums are given extra? Can I squeeze in additional tea dresses? How many hours of service in total? This is too little, that is more expensive, and handling all these become too much!
Let’s think outside the box for while.
These wedding packages are constructed by a majority of vendors, and it is presented to you as a norm. What if these extras in bundled extras are distractions taking your attention away from what you actually need and want: a good partnership and memories to last. Do you notice that you have become more interested in getting four extra pre-wedding photography images instead of wondering whether you would like the quality of these extra images to begin with?
You can create the norm.
So how should we go about wedding planning without drowning? Couples should first focus not on the paper, but on what the people bring to the table. Remember, vendors can be good at sales, but the service may not be able to follow up. Items can be created for presentation, like food pictures in a menu, but when you receive your burger it doesn’t look quite like what you ordered. Therefore, set your own standards in deciding what is value for money and don’t let the wedding industry tell you this is the norm.
Watch this video to learn about 21 common problems and concerns you should be aware of before purchasing a wedding photography package. Take 10 minutes to gain valuable insights and make an informed decision for your special day.
Professionalism and Artistry
At Chris Ling and Z Wedding, we don’t just create wedding packages, we create experiences. We have a different focus here. Led by Chris and Joey, their years of experience combined had already seen the “what can go wrong will go wrong” incidents. Its takes experience to anticipate pitfalls and prevent lapses. They train our team to focus on their craft and forte, and individuals are encouraged to pursue their areas of interest for a more holistic work environment. Each step of the way, from administration, servicing, styling, pre-wedding photography, we have the right person for you.
It’s not about sales talks and wedding package inclusions, it’s about who you want to bring to your wedding.
Would you be interested in learning about the 7 main advantages that come with signing up with Z Wedding and Chris Ling Photography? Watch this video to find out more.
We strongly encourage you to check out our playlists to give you an in-depth understanding of what we can do for you.
Youtube Chris Ling International Pre-Wedding Photographers: Link here